Braces Treatment in Sambalpur, Odisha

Cosmetic Treatment
Braces Treatment in Sambalpur

Do you have gaps in your teeth? Or are misaligned teeth not letting you smile freely? We at Oro Dental are here you help. Braces treatments are used to align misaligned, impacted teeth that can cause trouble in chewing or make your smile appear unpleasant.

What is the procedure to get braces?

The process of braces treatment is as follows:

1. Examination

When you visit our dentist, they will first examine your teeth and gums. The next step is to take x-rays to understand the positioning of your teeth and create a treatment plan.

2. Placement of braces

On the next visit, you will get braces. Firstly your dentist will start by cleaning the teeth, providing a clean surface for the brackets. Then using a dental bonding adhesive, the brackets are fitted and followed by wire. Finally, rubber bands are used to bound the wire completely.

3. Maintenance And Adjustments

You will have to visit your dentist multiple times throughout the treatment to get the braces adjusted and regular maintenance as suggested by your dentist.

You might experience soreness in your mouth, but this is temporary, and you will get accustomed to it braces in a few days.

4. Removal

You'll have your braces taken off after one to three years, depending on your age and the severity of your situation. Then, we will carefully remove the brackets by separating the bonding behind them and thoroughly wipe the adhesive off your teeth.

5. Retainers

The braces will be removed once the teeth reach the desired position. Now the most important thing to do is to keep them there. To do so, you will have to wear a retainer. Doing this can prevent your teeth from moving out of place and maintain the stunning smile you've worked so hard to get.

The braces treatment is one of the common orthodontic treatments, and the cost of braces treatment in Sambalpur, Odisha is also comparatively affordable. If you want a beautiful smile, visit us at Oro dental clinic for braces treatment in Sambalpur.